Cocos2d-x 3.0beta1 Label turning into black boxes

I’m using cocos2d-x 3.0 beta1 to develop.
I have a bunch of Label objects on screen but when the phone sleeps (leave it alone for a few seconds) or when you press the Home Button and then resume the app, the labels become black boxes.

I only tested this on Android, though. Here are the results:

  • Samsung Galaxy Win - Let the device sleep and wait for the screen to go black. Unlock the device and it will resume the game.
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 - Press the home button to return to the Home Screen. Resume the game.
  • Only Label objects become black boxes but LabelTTF objects are unaffected.

I create Label objects using Label::createWithTTF(). Is there any fix for this? I don’t see any documentation in the beta2 changelog about this issue.