cocos2d-x 3.0 rc0 get an "bad header in precompiled chunk" error

cocos2d-x 3.0 rc0
iphone 64bit 7.1 Simulator
compile pass, but when require lua file, get the output error “bad header in precompiled chunk”

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ps: 32bit version is fine.

I see, in arm64 it link the lua lib not the luajit lib, right?

The v3.0 rc0 links the lua lib for 64bit machine,and it would happened a bug sometimes when call require.

Are the files you requires generated by the luajit?

@samuele3hu yes, I have compile the lua by luajit.
For now, I just disable arm64 to force use luajit.
And it’s working good now.

@moremorefun,How can you disable arm64 to force use luajit,and are you use source script file in arm64 platform?

You can change the Architectures to disable the arm64, just change to armv7 and armv7s.
Then there is no arm64 version even in 64bit iOS, it will only use 32bit lib.

I see,thank you.Can you send IM numberto my mail.

@samuele3hu sure, but what’s your email?
And mine is

The same problem with me, but lua-tests is fine in iOS 64bit

changed .lua format UTF-8 without BOM is ok