cocos2d-x 3.0 - lack of FULLSCREEN OS X native support

Every new app created with Xcode supports so called “FullScreen” out of the box. Just need to set NSWindow property.

This allows to switch from windowed mode to FullScreen on another desktop workspace or another display. It is great feature, if of course it is supported by application. Difference with other “fullscreen” modes in for example Windows x86 app (where full screen is just resized window), is that OS X fully controls window position and size, which is switched to a different workspace or display.

At this time, cocos2d-x/OS X does not seem to support this feature. For a user, this is additional button in right upper corner of the window, that let’s him switch to FullScreen mode.


Some tips:


The main focus of Cocos2d is mobile platforms
win32 and mac desktop ports are mainly for testing and developing purpose, and thus not very polished

Hao Wu wrote:

The main focus of Cocos2d is mobile platforms

Many great indie games started as desktop hits (Super Meat Boy, Terraria, Limbo, Hotline Miami, Spelunky, FTL, Fez, Braid, etc…).

I have observed, that new indie desktop games are created for exceptional gaming experience, and new mobile games are created with focus on money. That’s why there are milions of mobile games and no more than 1% are great.

So, I think cocos2d-x should not focus on mobile only, because market is much wider than that. There is future on desktop PC (Steam Machines), Mac, Linux and even PS4, which is ready for indie games. And framework C++ language is widely used, so why limit yourself?

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I totally agree with you.
We need fullscreen support (and window resizing support) for the Desktops (linux, mac, win).

Although what Hao Wu said is true (iOS and Android have the highest priorities), we also take care of Desktop as well. Last week, we even bought a dedicated machine for Steam OS :slight_smile:

Could you please open a ticket for the “Fullscreen feature” ?


Ricardo Quesada wrote:

We need fullscreen support (and window resizing support) for the Desktops (linux, mac, win).
Last week, we even bought a dedicated machine for Steam OS :slight_smile:

fantastic :slight_smile: I wonder if you think about PS4 devkit too :smiley:

Could you please open a ticket for the “Fullscreen feature” ?

it’s done. Thanks!

fixed. Thanks James.

Is there any sample source code or a tutorial that demonstrates how to use this fullscreen patch in Linux?

Trying to port this back to 2.2 for Mac OS X. I already have very nice support for win32 fullscreen, trying to figure out how to merge this into cocos2d-x-2.2\cocos2dx\platform\mac

Anyone else working on that?

Well said.