cocos2d-x 2.2.3 blackberry errors - 2.2.2 works fine

i get the following errors in 2.2.3 while running on momentics and device

Description Resource Path Location Type
cannot find …/…/…/…/extensions/proj.blackberry/Device-Debug/libextensions.a: No such file or directory wp8Game C/C++ Problem
expected ‘,’ or ‘…’ before ‘^’ token CCEditBoxImplWp8.h /extensions/GUI/CCEditBox line 66 C/C++ Problem
‘Windows’ has not been declared CCEditBoxImplWp8.cpp /extensions/GUI/CCEditBox line 78 C/C++ Problem
expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token CCEditBoxImplWp8.cpp /extensions/GUI/CCEditBox line 78 C/C++ Problem
‘Platform’ has not been declared CCEditBoxImplWp8.h /extensions/GUI/CCEditBox line 66 C/C++ Problem
‘Platform’ has not been declared CCEditBoxImplWp8.cpp /extensions/GUI/CCEditBox line 78 C/C++ Problem
‘Platform’ does not name a type CCEditBoxImplWp8.h /extensions/GUI/CCEditBox line 65 C/C++ Problem
‘receiveHandler’ was not declared in this scope CCEditBoxImplWp8.cpp /extensions/GUI/CCEditBox line 78 C/C++ Problem
expected primary-expression before ‘^’ token CCEditBoxImplWp8.cpp /extensions/GUI/CCEditBox line 78 C/C++ Problem
expected ‘;’ before ‘new’ CCEditBoxImplWp8.cpp /extensions/GUI/CCEditBox line 78 C/C++ Problem
expected ‘}’ at end of input CCEditBoxImplWp8.cpp /extensions/GUI/CCEditBox line 300 C/C++ Problem
‘ref’ was not declared in this scope CCEditBoxImplWp8.cpp /extensions/GUI/CCEditBox line 78 C/C++ Problem

Did you build for WP8?

yup… :)… wp8-XAML

But why your title is BlackBerry errors?
So what’s the real error?
BlackBerry or WP8?
And how did you do?

This is all in momentics console… not visual studio…

this is the error I get on the console on momentics when i create a project and import the project along with coco2dx, denshio, box2d, extention and chipmunk. Then I just click run on momentics.

Oh and this happens even if I dont build the wp8 project first… i did a clean unzip of 2.2.3… created a project and brought it into momentics to build it…

That is all the error I get in the console … just copied and posted… starts with platform not declared error.

Could you please describe it step by step?


This in on windows 8 or the mac …

  1. Create multiplatform project in cocos2d-x.
  2. Open Momentics ide
  3. right click on left panel…
  4. import
  5. General
  6. Existing project into work space
  7. Naviagte to cocos2d-x folder
  8. Select coco2dx, denshio, box2d, chipmunk and your project(all proj.blackberry projects)
  9. Right click on your project and select run

And thats it…

You should have 12 errors…

Oh, you used an IDE other than Xcode or VS.
Sorry, i don’t familiar with the IDE.

i use 2.2.2 with momentics only and uses to build fine…