Cocos2D-X 2.1.3 iOS/Android dual platform tutorial supplement

Hi I’m new to these forums.
There are some great guides out there like’s - I am just getting my feet wet with cocos2d-x for iOS and android, and those helped me out quite a bit.
Unfortunately they are getting a bit dated, and I had some problems due to this on the android/eclipse side.

Along the way I kept a log and made a blog post that might be a helpful supplement to people setting up android.
Here it is:

I’m sure it contains some mistakes, please tell me if you find them. Besides helping my cocos2d-x education I will update the post as well.
If anyone can take a look I’m most skeptical about my handling of the unresolved symbol (Cocos2dxActivity could not resolve to a type) in step [8. Configuring the eclipse project] - I linked the cocos2dx android lib java source, but should I have done something else?

Nice tutorial. I’ll link this in my blog when I have the time.

You might also want to use as reference:

Lance Gray wrote:

Nice tutorial. I’ll link this in my blog when I have the time.
You might also want to use as reference:

Thanks, I linked the stuff - it should be helpful for those deploying to win as well.