cocos2d with mfc

i want to use mfc with the cocos2d lib, but when i add mfc lib, it complies error, waring: "默认库 libcmt 与其它库的使用冲突;请使用/NODEFAULTLIB:LIBRARY

The old TestAudioEngine is a sample to coding with CocosDenshion & MFC.
You can check out version 0.7.1 and learn from it.

Maybe the runtime librarys, which cocos2d-x and your mfc project linked, are different.
You’d better to check the two project’s properties sheet, make sure the setting of C/C++>code generation>Runtime Library is identical.

but when i use cocos2d, i got error: can’t open file “libcocos2d.lib”

i see. i build the project, the exe file is in debug Directory, but the libcocos2d.lib is in debug.win32 Directory, which Options can i set to make them in the same Directory?

i did this, General->Output directory, remove “.win32”