Cocos2d-JS v3.6.1 hot fix for remote debugger

After the release of v3.6, we have received several complain about not being able to use remote debugger with Code IDE on win32.

So we made a hot fix for it and released v3.6.1, there is no other changes but some bug fixes.

It contains essentially two important fixes:
1. Fixed the issue that jsc compiler generates jsc files which contain sources code.
2. Fixed the issue that jsb remote debugger can’t be used in windows version Code IDE.

Other fixes can be found in the changelog

There are no changes in the web engine.

If you don’t need any of this, you can skip this version, but we suggest you to upgrade the engine.

v3.6.1 release

Thank you for your support !

I also want to share with you the next step of Cocos2d-JS:

After a long discussion in the forum and many times offline discussion in the Cocos2d team, we have made a choice for the future of Cocos2d-x and Cocos2d-JS

The long discussion:

The General Idea

Generally, we want to merge back Cocos2d-JS into Cocos2d-x.


We don’t want our user to choose between different product or packages anymore. No matter which language you use, cpp, js or lua, no matter which platform you want to distribute, desktop, android, ios, wp or web, you can use the same and the one Cocos2d-x. End of the confusions.

How to do it

We will merge both the web engine and the native engine into Cocos2d-x repo (This is already done).
Cocos2d-x and Cocos2d-JS will still release their v3.7 separately.

But the future version will be totally merged.

How to upgrade

In fact, we have a solution which won’t make a big change in user’s project. We also want the upgrade will be as smooth as possible. Although the framework folder structure won’t be the same at all, but we ensure the user project to remain the same structure. There will be only one difference:

The old project structure:

  • MyJSGame
    • framework
      • cocos2d-html5
      • js-bindings

The new project structure:

  • MyJSGame
    • framework
      • cocos2d-html5
      • cocos2d-x

We will also provide a upgrade tool to help users to upgrade their project to new versions.

If you have any thoughts, please let us know, you can join the discussion here

the 1 package approach is good. C++, Lua + JS in Cocos2d-x

Hazahhhhh! Thanks for the native debugging!

Any chance we can get the Windows Phone back-button fixes from here in Cocos2d-JS?
I’ve tried to pull the changes myself with no success. We are trying to make a game for the Windows Game contest but this is a show-stopper. Discussed also here and here but not for JS.
Thanks for the great work!

Thank you @nop, I have reported it to Microsoft, they will fix it soon

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Thanks for listening to our requests @pandamicro!

Great work!

report a bug at 3.6.1

if (this._children.length > 0 && this._children.getIndex(bone) !== -1 )

getIndex maybe indexOf, when I use “armature.removeBone(“xxx”,true);“
It will report error at this._children.getIndex(bone) , pls fix it,ths, @pandamicro

Is there any tool to create the new material?

Bug run far away , relax and enjoy