Cocos2d-JS v3.5 is released with 3D and WP on board!

Hi, all

Cocos2d-JS have released four major version until now,

  • v3.0 have truly combined the web engine and native engine with unified workflow, simple and consistent API.
  • v3.1 published Facebook Integration which was officially supported by Facebook.
  • v3.2 greatly improved the web engine performance and compatibility across mobile browsers.
  • v3.3 enhanced our toolchain, Spine and Cocos editor support have been upgraded to the latest version, Cocos DevTool was published.

Now the continuous effort of our open source community have brought another two great features to Cocos2d-JS. The version 3.5 have merged 3D modules and supported Windows Phone 8 & Windows Universal platforms.

By the way, we skipped v3.4 to catch up with the Cocos2d-x’s version so that our user won’t get confused about their relationship. (This is not a joke ~)

Here is the detailed release note:


  1. 3D feature ready! Bound 3D modules including camera, light, sprite 3d, animation 3d, billboard, 3D particle system with Particle Universe etc.
  2. Supported Cocos Studio 2.2 3D scene editing.
  3. Windows Phone 8.0 and Windows Universal App support are finally ready! Thanks to the contribution from Microsoft.
  4. Upgraded SpiderMonkey to v33, greatly improved JavaScript memory management and performance.
  5. Supported Spine editor v2.1.
  6. Continuously improved web engine performance.

3D test cases

A 3D scene edited with Cocos 2.2 and parsed with Cocos2d-JS v3.5


For JSB build, there are some restrictions :

  • [Android build] Suggested NDK version is r10c +, if you don’t need Android 5.0 compatibility, you can also use r9d, other NDKs are not supported.
  • [iOS build] Xcode version must be 5.1.1 +
  • [Web code obfuscation] JRE or JDK version must be 1.6+


More information

Read more about all the features and bug fixes

Upgrade your project from previous versions

If you want to upgrade your game based on v3.0 previous version to the v3.5, you should follow these steps:

  1. Download the Cocos2d-JS v3.5 package.
  2. Upgrade cocos command with
  3. Create a new project with cocos new command.
  4. Replace the “src”, “res”, “index.html”, “project.json”, “main.js” etc with your old project.
  5. Then you may need to refer to the upgrade guide to solve some API change issues.

About Cocos2d family

  • Cocos2d-JS v3.5 uses Cocos2d-x v3.5 as base of JSB solution.
  • Cocos2d-JS v3.5 uses SpiderMonkey v33 as builtin JavaScript engine.
  • Cocos2d-JS v3.5 is compatible with Cocos Code IDE v1.2.0.
  • Cocos2d-JS v3.5 is compatible with Cocos Studio v1.2 - v1.6 and Cocos Studio 2.1+.

With any problems you might have, our communities are happy to help:


Congratz to the release of Cocos2d-JS v3.5!

The 3D feature is a huge improvement of engine and it looks great on the 3D test cases.

Thumbs up for the Cocos team!

Found some issues on test case on Mac :

Camera3D test and Sprite3D test -> cc.DrawNode3D is not a constructor

Great job !

It should great to be able to download API 3.5 : is still linked to 3.0


Congratulations!! Thanks for the great work, cocos2d team

Updated, thanks for reminding me, I usually update via github which will be synced to this page:

@pandamicro WP8 is pretty cool, wasn’t expecting that for the JS version! Can you build for WP8 in Cocos IDE or do you need to use Visual Studio? If VS, is there a template available to start a project (like they have for most web apps, etc.)?

Unfortunately, Code IDE doesn’t support WP8 build yet. You can use our built in WP8 project, the usage is described here:

Thanks, that was just what I needed!

The lite workflow needs to be updated for the Closure section. Corrections:

  • compilationLevel option to be changed from advanced to simple in the build.xml file
  • Make the list of JS sources in the build.xml the same order as jsList in project.json. Also remember to include main.js and the cocos lite JS file.
  • The project.json file needs to be changed - remove all entries from the jsList array. These are already included in the minified file.

How can we use cocos 2.2 ? I went to and couldn’t find english support.

how to add physics to Sprite3d objects(C++)?

Thanks for noticing. We will update it soon.
@VisualSJ please take a look.

We have a brief introduction and download here:

We don’t have internal full featured 3D physics support yet. But we do have OBB/AABB collision detection, you can refer to the test cases for Sprite3D

When trying my project to 3.5, I found a bug on drawNode.drawPoly.

for (var i = 0; i < 50; i+= 10) {
drawnode.drawPoly([cc.p(200, i), cc.p(250, i + i/10), cc.p(300, i)], cc.color(255,255,255,255), 0, cc.color(255,255,255,255));

I expected, draw 5 polygons, width is all 100 and height is 0 to 5.
but, running on html5 v3.5, as polygon height lowers, width becomes wide

Sorry, I capture a screenshot. but cannot upload. (I’m newbie)

We will test it.

To upload an image, just drag the image into the edit box at the bottom it will start to upload automatically.

Hi @Morishoji

It is a known issue of cc.DrawNode on WebGL mode.

We will migrate the latest of cc.DrawNode from -x.

After moving my code from v3.3 to v3.5 html5 version works just fine, but windows complied game asks for MSVCP110D.dll

I tried to run debug directly using


I have visual studio 2013, and searched for a problem. One option could be that the library was compiled with different visual studio runtime.

Could you please check? In cocos2d-js v3.3 everything is good.