Cocos2d-JS v3.0 alpha release: Feedbacks


Thanks for reporting this, this have been solved, in the next version, there won’t be this problem

userdefault is the old storeage in cocos2dx ,but not work in cocos2djs,but I found the localstorage can work。
I use localstorage instead。


Is anyone else have the getRes() problem in trying to get things to run on platform other than web?

See [[]]


I use cocos-cosole of cocos2d-js-v3.0-alpha2 to compile all .js files to .jsc files, but it cannot run on Cocos Code IDE with TypeError:this._super is not a function


How did you compile them ? separately or together ? And the error come from which class ?

@pandamicro Thanks for replying
My steps:
1:using Cocos Code IDE to new a cocos javascript project
2:using cocos jscompile command to compile .js files with only setting -s value to my src diretory and -d value to my src diretory too.
3:debug the project then get Error:JS: H:\workspace\cocosCodeIDE\CocosJSGame2\src\app.js:75:TypeError: this._super is not a function

It would be great to replace out-of-date box2dweb with newest jsbox2d.

It is port of latest Box2D C++ to JavaScript.

The drawCircle method does not work. (!)

Code sample:

this.drawNode = cc.DrawNode.create();
this.drawNode.setPosition(320, 240);
this.drawNode.setScale(30, 30);
this.addChild(this.drawNode, 100);
this.drawNode.drawCircle(cc.p(50, 50), 50, 1.5, 30, true, 1, cc.color(200, 200, 200, 200));

does not draw anything

*** In Beta version drawCircle works fine

How to get the length of cc.sys.localStorage?

I only know the api of getItem, setItem, removeItem of cc.sys.localStorage. But How can I get the length of localStorage as I need retrieve each element in the localStorage.

What is the full list of API of sys.localStorage? Where can I find it?

@Yonlin I will report this issue to Cocos Code IDE team, thanks

@k1rsan_ We don’t have enough time for this, but you can replace it and send a pull request to our official repo, it’s very welcomed

@bobdos I’m afraid there is no such API