Cocos2d-JS v3.0 alpha don't have the tool to compile the code with google closure compiler???

the project didn’t have the file build.xml

Hi zmox,

The build.xml file has been moved to /frameworks/cocos2d-html5/tools/build.xml.

A node.js script tool has been added in v3.0a, it also in directory /frameworks/cocos2d-html5/tools/publish.js.
Please copy tools to your project directory and config your project.json, then run the tools/publish.js in node.js, it will be compile your proejct.

And if you create a new project by cocos2d-console command “cocos new aGameProject -l js”.
You can publish your CH5 game by this command:
“cocos run -p web -m release”

Hopes to help

cocos run -p web -m release
cocos compile -p web -m release


@ludingping how to use google js complier when I want to get data from a JSON file?

var a=Json file {“x”:1} , a[“x”]is OK,but a.x will error.

how can I do it ,if I want to use json file and a.x mode.