Cocos2d-js renders gaps between tiles

Hi there.

I have troubles when i use a 16x16 Tilemap to render a Layer in Cocos2d-js. It renders pixels from next Tile in the Tileset, generating lines between them, And when I scale it, the problem remains.

I have tried:

  • To change FIX_ARTIFACTS_BY_STRECHING_TEXEL from 0 to 1 in the CCConfig.js.
  • To Apply setAliasTexParameters() in the texture.
  • To leave 2px spaces between Tiles in the Tileset…doesn’t work.
  • Wether the renderModes is Canvas or WebGL…I had the same result.

This is the result when I use a Tileset with space between Tiles, the red lines are the next Tiles.

Result when I use a normal Tileset without spaces between Tiles.

It seems to me that it’s precision issue when WebGL renders a texture. :confused:
Please I need any help with that and thanks in advance.