Cocos2d-JS Lite Version Feed Backs

As you can see in our v3.0 Final Release Notes, we have officially defined our download builder as our Lite Version download entrance. And we have defined a new workflow for it to simplify Web only development:

Here is the user guide for Lite Version:
English Version

So what do you think of it ? Do you have any feed backs or suggestions about the usage ?
Thanks for any comments !

Interesting alternative!

Suppose I make a game under the lite version instead of with the regular cocos2d-js, if I compile/minify it, will the file size and performance be better than if I compiled the game made with the full engine? Or would closure compiler realize what I’m using and what I don’t and discard all the extra code?

File size will be better, but the performance should be the same, it’s a different workflow, not different product.

Yeah, I was also wondering the same thing. I feel that @pandamicro , you have missed one thing what @ZippoLag asked.
Suppose, I use only use few features of cocos2dJS, then while deploying it, is there anything that recognizes that I am using not all but few libraries and instead of packaging all of them it will package only those libraries-files that I used from the product!!
I am using it but I don’t know whether it happens, so can you please tell us.
Same doubt was with cocos2d-x … :smiley:

Thanks :smile:

The workflow documentation

For lite version, it’s what you downloaded, no more no less.
For ordinary version, If you setup well your modules in project.json, then the web publishing will include only the modules you chose.
But for jsb publishing, we are not cutting automatically useless modules. As for -x, normally code you haven’t used won’t be linked into your executable.


I have some suggestions specifically for the builder.

It would be really useful if the comments was kept when selecting Uncompressed (or at least have an option for this). When developing in a IDE like WebStorm, it’s a big advantage to have the JSDoc notation, it really speeds up the development process.

Also, when building a customized version, it would be nice if the generated JS file contained an indication of what modules are included, so we can rebuild a new version without having to remember which modules we chose.


Then the file will be huge, I’m not sure whether it’s a good idea, anybody else have thoughts on this ?

That indeed will be very useful ! Thanks
@VisualSJ can you implement this feature for the builder ?

I am considering writing a port of a C++ cocos2d-x game to cocos2d-JS. My question is, does the Lite JS version supports the full C++ API, as opposed to the full JS version?

Having the JS Lite working only on the web is not an issue, the issue is supporting the full API or not. I started porting the C++ code to JavaScript using the Lite version, and it seemed to me that some API functions were missing (don’t recall each one)


cc.DrawNode seems not to be available on JS Lite. So

  1. Is there a reference for what functions are available in JS full versus JS Lite?
  2. How to use the same functions of DrawNode in Lite?

Found some answers here

this is neat, the ability to customize the Lite version with features.