求 cocos2d-html5 ant 打包教程!

官方的教程 https://github.com/SmallAiTT/cocos-utils/wiki/cocos-utils-中文详细说明
报错啊。:“Uncaught cc.MouseDispatcher is undefined, maybe it has been removed from js loading list. ”

求救!!!折腾一晚上了 坑坑死!

The cocos-utils works for the pnm branch. It is based on modules.
This error tells you that cc.MouseDispatcher is not loaded.
You need to add cctouch to dependencies in cocos.json.
Read this to config cocos.json:https://github.com/SmallAiTT/cocos-utils/wiki/cocos.json-中文说明文档

Make sure the modules you need is config in cocos.json.
Make sure your game works well before publishing with ant.

@SmallAiTT 谢谢回复。
我照着这个教程http://bbs.html5china.com/thread-1231-1-1.html 终于搞定了。。T T,之前可能有些地方没配置好。
cocos-utils 第一次用好不习惯。。有空再研究下

Nice! But you should know that cocos-utils works for the npm branch of cocos2d-html5. It is difference from the develop branch.