Cocos Studio 2 Feedback

Very laggy on mac. Also seems like publishing is broken in v2.3.3 on mac.

I was using cocos studio for menus only, it doesn’t provide as much control(which annoys me)… but then i realised that by simply adding

#include “cocostudio/CocoStudio.h”

will increase build size by around 6 mb.

I don’t use cocosstudio anymore.

Never noticed that increase of build size! I’ll consider not using it in the future then… :sweat:

Hello @nite,
i am a newbie for cocos studio 2, can you show me how to pack the texture automatically like cocos studio 1.6. now, i only can pack texture with the spritesheet,
Thanks in advance

If you’re new user I recommend you try Cocos creator

Hi @nite,
yes, i am a new user for cocos studio 2.0, not cocos2dx( i have worked with it for 4 year so far ), i still using cocos2dx 3.4, and cocos studio 1.6 for my old game, now i want to check the new tools, for the next projects