Cocos Helper - Add Chartboost, AdMob, Google Play etc easily With Video Tutorials With Free Skype Assistance

Try an older Cocos2d-x version.

I just tried a new project in v3.6 and had the same problem on the device. It never tries to log into the game center. Deployment target was 6.0.

This is really weird, I will create a test tomorrow and sign in using my iPad Air and let you know.

What version iPad Air are you using? I have an iPad Air 2 that would not let me run cocos2d-x at all. I put in a forum question buy nobody answered it. Of course, that was at v3.3 and I haven’t tried it again since.

I am going out of the country, when I get back next weekend I will try it on the iPad Air 2 as well. Anything you can figure between now and then I will be glad to test. :smile:

I have the first iPad Air, I will test it out and let you know.


Just tried it and it worked, is your bundle identifier/package name set the same as your app in Game Center?

How to place Mopub banner add at bottom(iOS/Android).I am using SonarCocosHelper class.

ATM it only supports Top but you can go into iOSHelper.m and modify the MoPub function in Objective-C.

@SonarSystems A Big Thank You !! Mopub Integration is done using sonarCocosHelper !! now I want to add Admob,Vungle,Chartboost,AdColony ad networks to MoPub for ad network to do it using sonarCocosHelper. Is there any tutorial available on sonar youtube channel/links?

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We don’t have any tutorials but mediation using MoPub isn’t difficult, check out there website for more information.

On Native platform (Android/iOS) MoPub ad mediation is simple because of ad network adapters provided by ad networks . but in cocos2dx…how to achieve the same…?

You will need to create wrappers within Cocos Helper for each plugin you want to use.

@SonarSystems How to show Google Ad mob test ads on iOS simulator(project using SonarCocosHelper)
presently its throw exception as bellow:-

2015-08-09 01:37:19.675 AdmobDemo iOS[3381:f03] To get test ads on this device, call: request.testDevices = @[ kGADSimulatorID ];
2015-08-09 01:37:19.685 AdmobDemo iOS[3381:70b] cocos2d: surface size: 640x960
2015-08-09 01:37:19.821 AdmobDemo iOS[3381:70b] *** Assertion failure in -[CCEAGLView layoutSublayersOfLayer:], /SourceCache/UIKit_Sim/UIKit-2903.23/UIView.m:8540
2015-08-09 01:37:19.824 AdmobDemo iOS[3381:70b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInternalInconsistencyException’, reason: ‘Auto Layout still required after executing -layoutSubviews. CCEAGLView’s implementation of -layoutSubviews needs to call super.’

We can use simulator as test device like this in native iOS code right…?
request.testDevices = @[ kGADSimulatorID ];

Have a look at this link for more information

Not sure how I can check this in Game Center. I have Game Center turned on in the app on iTunes Connect and I added the leaderboard I created to the app. I assume that means it is associated with my game’s bundle ID. Is there something else I could check to be sure they are working together?

Are you using the same bundle in your Xcode project?

Yes, I am using the same bundle. I just uploaded an archive to the App Store and I see it in my pre-release builds.

It should be ok, we can help walk you through it via Skype if you like?

Hello. I had intergrate Charsboot for Cocos2dx 3.4 but i had error when call show full screen ads.

Log cat:

08-10 16:16:41.348: I/CHARTBOOST(21211): SHOULD REQUEST INTERSTITIAL 'Default
08-10 16:16:41.819: E/Volley(21211): [43824] u.a: Unexpected response code 403 for

I’m sure. I set up everything like your youtube tutorial. :slight_smile: But i don’t know why. can you help me @SonarSystems

I might do that with you at some time, right now I am working on other aspects and will make a complete new version soon to try again.

Note that it works perfectly if I run it in a simulator…just ran it with the iPhone 6 inch and it worked great. It only fails on hardware, but on two different devices so far. I will get some more devices to try it soon and will let you know the results.

Just a thought, do I need to do something to my hardware devices to get them to work with the sandbox game center?