Cocos Creator typings file error

Hello all,

So I’m kinda new to this engine but it looks really cool and I’ve always wanted to build games for the web. That being said, I just started using typescript and noticed that the typings file has some errors.

When I go to Developer => VS Code Workflow => Update VS Code API Source

The generated typings file has an error on line 1234:

__ctor__?: Function

After I changed the &#95 to underscores, all the errors went away. This is an error that seems to be happening consistently in creator version 1.8.1

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The typings have been having errors since… ages. Also the templates for ts code has been having errors for months and they haven’t fixed it yet. So not sure how QA works, but it is clear that nobody is reviewing those things.


That’s too bad, at least this error was easy to fix. Other than that, typescript seems to work ok, although the news that they’re deprecating VS Code is somewhat concerning.