Cocos Creator 1.7.0 released!

Hello World!
Can i somehow use Cocos Creator as UI editor for cocos2dx (c++) and how?
How to export and use them in c++ project?
And how to export whole project to c++ cocos2dx?

Indeed you can:

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At cocos creator 1.7 can i use sdkbox?
I tried it, but I got compile error jsapi.h not found.

I see that documentation is also improved.
But if I would like to give feedback to the documentation I see there is a button on bottom right,
but if I clicking on it nothing happens.

For example I’ve found a little mistake here:
(assets togather in a separate folder --> assets together …)

and an important consideration about tiled integration.
Currently Cocos does not support multiple tileset, just one single tileset! And this is very important to say.

Thank you for your great work!

Cool, but is there an easy way to know which modules aren’t used?

I just realized that the CocosCreator ‘cc’ module is a reference to:



Hello! I want to release the game on Сocos Creator, and sell it to Google Play and iTunes. How much does a license cost?

There isnt a license fee for Cocos Creator. Just your Play Store developer fee.

Ok, thanks for the answer!

Do exercises
All is well, until the creation of the “GetNewStarPsychion()” function in the script “Game”.
this.node.width (and this.node.height) == 0
The star on the X axis is always in one position

P.S. Sorry if I’m writing in the wrong section. I do not know English, I’m writing through an interpreter.

This works for me in Chrome and Safari.

Will CocosCreator remain free in the future?

it’s possible that they could revoke the open license in the future -

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated engine source code (the “Software”), a limited,
worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, revocable and non-exclusive license
to use Cocos Creator solely to develop games on your target platforms.

I don’t see us charging for Cocos Creator. We realize that it is in the best interest of our users that it remain free.

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I guess it is possible, but I can say it wont happen. I am willing to stick my neck on the line if this discussion ever occurred.


the poor and open source community thank you :hugs:

There was a question. I understood myself.

Where’s 1.8 changelist?

@piotrros Cocos Creator 1.8. What changed?

Thanks, I asked this, because Read more on the main page still gets you to this topic.