Cocos Creator 1.6 Spine Events Native Problem (solved)

Ever since I upgraded to 1.6.0 from 1.5.1, I am having some problems using spine events; In the web browser, I am able to catch all events no problem but when I build it to android native, its failing to catch any of its events when using the the skeleton’s listener:

this.skeleton = this.getComponent("sp.Skeleton");
this.skeleton.setAnimationListener(this,eventHandler); //this works in web but not in native android
this.skeleton.setEventListener(eventHandler); //this also works in the web but not in native android

Are there changes that happened to spine native runtime in 1.6 that might have caused this?

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Installing the Cocos 1.6.1 Beta.2 solved the problem. Hopefully the official patch goes live soon.