Cocos Creator 1.3.1 released!

You may have said you appreciate the work, but you also said you doubt the direction and wonder if Cocos2d-x was the right choice for you. It is hard to separate your positive from the negative comments. Especially when you said this over this:

Thanks for the docs.
Just wanted to say that if you create a tutorial of a game “Dark Slash”, can you please take out sometime to create English assets along with it and include a topic for multi language and accordingly graphic selection.

For sure. That is super important. I try and clean these up as I go along with editing the language.

Great! The debug for Native platform is fantastic. I will take a look into it next week. Thanks!

That would be awesome!! +1
I want to know more on how to work in multi language. Thanks!

Hi @slackmoehrle

The reason I said regarding the direction of Cocos Creator and Cocos2dx in general, is that I’m deeply concerned if this whole project will end up like, the now deprecated Cocos Studio… which I hope it doesn’t…Now, what does this sentence tell you:

but I’m a David type of guy…

I’ll put it to you in today’s world terms: In the Star Wars saga, we have the empire and the rebels, well, I’m with the rebels.…Do you understand? :slight_smile: Also, regarding the export to android / ios, that’s what i found, it’s very confusing when on previous versions, we have a publishing folder, and all of the sudden it disappears, and now the apk / app is under simulator folder? Does it make sense?

Now, do you have a direct link where I can post bugs, finding, etc.. regarding engine usability, etc… something like bugzilla?

Also, i know the engineering team takes into consideration the feedback given regarding engine usability, bugs, etc… from the community in general, for example:


Is there a technical reason why this feature hasn’t been corrected yet? Does it have to do with the way electron works, or it relates to platform ( Mac / Windows )? If so, then just communicate to the community, we can’t do auto - update for x reason… ? These are minor details as explained in my previous post, that really makes a difference in the usability of an engine, just like the below post:

And I’ll say it again, thanks for the work, and dedication…God Bless…



Has anyone said to you that Creator and Cocos2d-x will end up like Cocos Studio? If so who? If not, can you explain why you are so concerned? Can you share how you are justifying your concern?

As far as the auto-update, let me ask the team.

Hi @slackmoehrle

No, not at all, but seeing that once the community had Coco Studio, and there was excitement, and bunch of tutorials, especially from Sonar Systems - these folks are awesome with their tutorials, it’s a blessing to have them support the community…Then, all of a sudden, poof!!! Coco Studio is terminated…So who’s to say that Cocos Creator won’t suffer the same fate? The point that I’m trying to make, is Cocos Creator to stay for the long haul, is this the game engine / editor that finally Chuckong, Cocos2dx, in-house developers, envisioned and fully support? Thanks again for your dedication and hard work…God Bless…



Cocos Studio was a half baked project. It was buggy and each release didn’t feel like anything had changed. You couldn’t even communicate with the Studio team or file bugs. This was a good business decision to end the project. Cocos Creator was better before the first version was even released.

Chukong is committed to this project and it is not going away. I’ll stick my own neck out for this.

Hi, thanks for the hard work! Can someone please answer all his questions? I have the same questions too.

Hi @slackmoehrle

Thanks for the reassurances and honesty…By the way, will the Physics Engine be implemented this month Nov 2016… Also, do you think, in the game section of the site:

Wouldn’t be wise, to have 2 sections, one for games created with Cocos2dx and the other with Cocos Creator?
Thanks again for the hard work and dedication, God Bless…



I just checked, for v1.3.1 the apk is still generated in jsb-default/publish/android folder, not sure how you got the result.

Electron auto-update system for Mac has a bug that will force replace user’s current application. That’s why we disabled it. We’ll need to work something up ourselves and it takes time. We also have to put man power to more important stuff like much needed features and performance optimization.

Hi @nantas2

Thanks for the response, really appreciated it, here are some screenshots:

Also, thank you the response regarding the auto-update feature, so I guess this only affects us Mac users? Completely understand regarding the man power to improve features and performance optimization… Anyways, I will go ahead and download again Cocos Creator, and try out the exporting feature again, to see if it gives me the publish folder. Thanks and God Bless…



Hi @nantas2

I’ve downloaded ain **Cocos Creator v1.3.1and still it doesn’t export the publishing folder. Even though, on prior versions, it would come out…Just FYI…Thanks and God Bless…



Hi, I wonder why in cocos creator, the engine use the origin coordinate (0,0) at the center of screen , i feel like it is really counter-intuitive, especially, when cocos2d-x user are get used to the way c++ do (origin coordinate at the bottom left corner).

Does it have any advantages??

Why not. Isn’t it easier then to deal with different screen sizes.

Sure I can. Would you mind PM ing me as it my weekend.

I cant see the Upgrade spine runtime library, checked in resource and it’s sill 2.3 version.
Tested on IOS and the spine file using weighted-mess still not working. Assert failed: Unknown attachment type: skinnedmesh

you can create nodes to contain your elements outside the canvas node and set their anchor 0,0 so you can work with 0,0 being bottom left (of course stuff like topleft using 0,1 is also possible, whatever suits your needs)
