Cocos Creator 1.2.2 released!

Cocos Creator 1.2.2 released!

We are excited to release version 1.2.2 of Cocos Creator. Cocos Creator is a new, unified, development tool that handles every step in the game development process.

##v1.2.2 Changelog:


  • [Engine] Refactored index.html page for Web build, improve page initialization speed massively.
  • [Engine] Add API cc.view.enableAntiAlias(false) to disable bilinear image smoothing for pixel-art graphics.
  • [Engine] Support cc.view.enableAntiAlias(false) API in native platform.
  • [Engine] Fixed pop-up keyboard on some tablet device with wider screen will cause screen orientation to change issue.
  • [Engine] Fixed register events to a deactivated node in start method will make the node respond to event on native platform issue.
  • [Engine] Fixed register events to a deactivated node, the event will not work after node is activated issue.
  • [Engine] Fixed some registered node event will not work when Web window lost and regain focus.
  • [Engine] Fixed when loading TTF assets, the loaded callback may not fire at the correct moment issue.
  • [Engine] Fixed using deprecated API on mobile browser will report error directly issue.
  • [Action] Fixed tintTo and tintBy not working properly on native platform issue.
  • [Action] Fixed using cc.targetedAction will report error issue.


  • [Prefab] Add synchronized Prefab option, user can select whether a prefab should sync changes to all instances in scene.
  • [Animation] Fixed the red needle in timeline may break issue.
  • [Animation] Fixed when dragging node in scene to edit position keyframe may not work issue.
  • [Animation] Fixed undo node deleting operation may cause updateAnimatingInEditMode to report error issue.
  • [Console] Added ignore case switch to determine whether filter is case-sensitive.
  • [SDK] Fixed inserting AnySDK runtime library to Web build may not work issue.


  • [Label+Widget] Fixed setting Label’s Overflow to SHRINK and leave string empty, turning on one dimension align for Widget will crash on native platform issue.
  • [Particle] Fixed when texture set to null will crash on native platform issue.
  • [Tilemap] Fixed deleting node with Tiledmap and undo will make the node not visible issue.
  • [Graphics] Fixed Helper module not found in case-sensitive OS issue.
  • [EditBox] Fixed resize node has wrong effect issue on mac platform issue.
  • [Button] mouseover event will not be registered if button’s hover sprite is null.
  • [ScrollView] Fixed save scene will cause ScrollView’s content node get random position issue.
  • [ScrollView] Fixed disabled Scrollview component can still respond to touch event issue.
  • [ScrollView] Added TOUCH_UP event callback.



Demo Projects

The most important source of examples is the Example Collection project template. There are also many demos to show a complete game:

  • Dark Slash basic game loop demo. Special thanks to Veewo Games for authorizing us to use original ‘Dark Slash’ game resources to make this tutorial.

  • UI Demos including multi-resolution supporting menu interface with cool transition animations, a backpack generated by data and prefab and a Clash Royale style navigation menu showcase.
  • Blackjack demo, collaboratively developed with Tencent Games.
  • Flappy Bird clone featuring a sheep.
  • Star Catcher demo game, in user manual we have a quick start tutorial showing how to build this game step by step.

We will keep on adding more demos and complete games as well as improving the existing ones!


Cool! Thanks for the update! Looking forward to trying out the demos. Been a bit reserved when it comes to using Cocos Creator instead of plain c2d-x, but nice improvements are being added all the time :slight_smile:

How to use svg? Is there example?

again no game engine, this is so bad. but thanks to update.

What do you mean? Creator includes Cocos2d-x-lite with it. It is a bit different than Cocos2d-x.

I think he meant that no support of C++

Ricardo is working on it. Please see: C++ support for Cocos Creator

When you go to help menu, API reference it still brings you to the 1.0 version.
It would be convenient to go the current one :slight_smile:

Update spine animation is on the road map? Pls it’s really old now :joy:

Please confirm if CocosCreator can be used as a replacement of CocosStudio in cocos2dx C++ project? I already have lots of UI’s created in CocosStudio and since CocosStudio has deprecated now so i wish to update all UI’s to CocosCreator now… I need to know if that is even possible in CocosCreator? as i read everywhere that its only supporting javascript currently?

It is JavaScript only. Ricardo is working on adding c++: C++ support for Cocos Creator

@slackmoehrle What’s the difference between Cocos2d-x-lite in Creator and a JavaScript project generated with Cocos2d-x? Is there anything special that should be done to put a scene created with Cocos Creator into a JavaScript project generated with Cocos2d-x?

@ryukbk I can’t answer this in its entirety. Let us ask @pandamicro to help us.

Not much difference, as the name indicated, cocos2d-x-lite is a trimmed version without 3D features, less third party libraries, less platform supports, etc. But there are also few modifications to the core of cocos.

It will be very tricky, we added an extra JS layer onto Cocos2d-js which contains Entity Component support and other necessary modifications, you can find the js_polyfill.js in a Cocos Creator project native build.

Wow these are much larger modifications than I thought. What’s the point of maintaining these two different configurations? Are there no plans to bring 3D into Cocos Creator?

  1. There are some different needs in creator that requires core level modifications, and we can’t find a way to keep backward compatibility. We are trying to merge some of them into Cocos2d-x, but I think the two can only be merged in v4.
  2. We wanted a compressed engine with lighter final package size.
  3. We wanted to design 3D for editor from scratch in Cocos Creator.

It’s the least but not all reasons that we maintain two version.

Cocos creator can not render spine animation with new features like mess …
How can i update spine animation manually?

OK then, I guess the safest path for those who intend to use Cocos Creator is just use Cocos Creator to create a new project and stick to it. I don’t check the latest version but according to forum posts Cocos2d-x-lite tends to be an older version than the latest Cocos2d-x, I hope it’s decoupled from Cocos Creator at some point as an independent module with some basic dependency checks.

By designing 3D from scratch, do you mean deprecating the current 3D API in Cocos2d-x?

Another concern is about Android Studio, is it possible to build what Cocos Creator produces with Android Studio? It’s important for debugging on Android and using third-party Android SDKs that expect gradle build.

@pandamicro what about my question? Is there any tutorial or documentation about using svg in cocos creator? i did not find it even in chineese forum and docs.