Clipping issue on Android

I took some lines of code out of the samples suite and put them into the hello world app ( cocos new test -l js ) I copied and slightly adepted folling lines

// Clipping test - Works in Chrome and Firefox
        // shows a white screen and no clipping in android
        var clipper = cc.ClippingNode.create();
        clipper.width = 200;
        clipper.height = 200;
        clipper.anchorX = 0.5;
        clipper.anchorY = 0.5;
        clipper.x = this.width / 2;
        clipper.y = this.height / 2;
        clipper.runAction(cc.RotateBy.create(1, 45).repeatForever());

        var stencil = cc.DrawNode.create();
        var rectangle = [cc.p(0, 0),cc.p(clipper.width, 0),
            cc.p(clipper.width, clipper.height),
            cc.p(0, clipper.height)];

        var white = cc.color(255, 255, 255, 255);
        stencil.drawPoly(rectangle, white, 1, white);
        clipper.stencil = stencil;

        var content = cc.Sprite.create(res.HelloWorld_png);
        content.anchorX = 0.5;
        content.anchorY = 0.5;
        content.x = clipper.width / 2;
        content.y = clipper.height / 2;
        content.runAction(cc.RotateBy.create(0.5, -45).repeatForever());

(just copied them to the end of the ctor-function)
It works fine with Chrome and Firefox, but shows just a white background, the content of the clipping node and no clipping a all.

It feels like a setting in Android, as I tried it also with the original files from the test suite: same result.

What setting do I miss? Or initialization?


Please refer to this commit,

It’s a bug fixed in RC1, we hadn’t activate the stencil buffer in new projects.

THanks a lot, pandamicro! It worked fine.

You are welcome, enjoy