Chrome(20.0.1132.47 m) only get a max 40fps

hi there,

It used to be OK, a normal 60fps can reach usually. But when I modified some about://flags setting, then the fps can only reach a max 40.
I did re-installed Chrome with cleaning user data, the result is the same.

I tried my game in Firefox the fps is about 60fps, so it should not caused by my computer condition.

Please help, thanks~


Maybe you can try to toggle the GPU accelerating.

Shun Lin wrote:

Maybe you can try to toggle the GPU accelerating.

I found the problem is caused by screen fresh rate. I changed my laptop’s fresh rate to 40Hz by accident, after I change it back to 60Hz then the FPS is also back to 60Hz.

Then below statement is wrong, because it looks like the Webkit’s webkitRequestAnimationFrame will try to sync with the screen fresh rate.
Currently, both mozRequestAnimationFrame as well as webkitRequestAnimationFrame do not truly sync with the screen refresh rates, but simply help in limiting drawing operations to a sane amount, but real sync will be implemented eventually.

One question: is it possible that cocos2d-html5 library can hide this platform difference? Thanks~
