Chipmunk sprite shape collisions arb data, casting data to a class?

i have many “peg” objects that do not move, and have a method called hit()

pegShape->data = this; // pointer to this Peg object
pegShape->collision_type = 2; // Collisions are grouped by types

i also have a ball that can collide with these pegs

ballShape->data = this;
ballShape->collision_type = 1; // Collisions are grouped by types

i’ve added a collision handler


static int spriteCollision(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, void *nothing) {
  Peg* shapeDataB = (Peg*) b->data;

it crashes with this error Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0xbfffda…

i’m pretty sure my cast is bad. though the object is not NULL.

here is my full Peg class. it just holds a sprite and has a method to hit();

Peg::Peg(CCPoint pos)
  sprite = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("blue");

  float pegRadius = 13.0f; // should be 10

  cpShape *pegShape = cpCircleShapeNew(pachiBoard->m_pSpace->staticBody, pegRadius, cpv(pos.x,pos.y));
  pegShape->e = 0.5; // Elasticity
  pegShape->u = 0.8; // Friction
  pegShape->data = this; // Associate with ths peg
  pegShape->collision_type = 2; // Collisions are grouped by types
  // Add the shape to out space
  cpSpaceAddStaticShape(pachiBoard->m_pSpace, pegShape);

void Peg::hit()
  CCLog("peg is hit");

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