Child sprite not recognized with ccTouchesMoved

Hiya, newbie alert.

Project build: Cocos2D-X version 4.6.3.

I’ve jumped into learning app development right when there was a version update and so far have found it very difficult to find resources to accomplish what I’m trying to do. Simply:

  1. have a sprite image load on the screen - check
  2. on touchesbegan, have a child sprite spawn from that image - check
  3. be able to drag that child sprite around the screen - no check
  4. be able to repeat that process with a ’toolbox. of images - not there yet

Been trying multiple variations but not the right one yet:

void GameLayer::ccTouchesBegan(CCSet* pTouches, CCEvent* event)
    CCSetIterator i;
    GameSprite * image;
    CCTouch *touch;
    CCPoint tap;

    //loop through all beginning touches
    for( i = pTouches->begin(); i != pTouches->end(); i++)
        touch = (CCTouch*) (*i);

        if (touch)
            //get location in OpenGL view
            tap = touch->getLocation();

            for (int p = 0; p < 1; p++)
                image = (GameSprite *) _images->objectAtIndex(p);

                if (image->boundingBox().containsPoint(tap))
                    //store player's touch

                    //add image
                    _child = GameSprite::gameSpriteWithFile("HelloWorld.png");
                    //change the numbers here to change position of sprite
                    _child->setPosition(ccp(_screenSize.width * 0.5f, _screenSize.height * 0.5f));

                    _images = CCArray::create(_child, NULL);

void GameLayer::ccTouchesMoved(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *event)
    CCSetIterator i;
    //GameSprite * image;
    CCTouch *touch;
    CCPoint tap;

    //loop through all beginning touches
    for( i = pTouches->begin(); i != pTouches->end(); i++)
        touch = (CCTouch*) (*i);

        if (touch)
            tap = touch->getLocation();

            for (int p = 0; p < _images->count(); p++)
                _child = (GameSprite *) _images->objectAtIndex(p);
                //if touch belongs to player
                if (_child->getTouch() != NULL && _child->getTouch() == touch)
                    CCPoint nextPosition = tap;

                    _child->setVector(ccp(tap.x - _child->getPositionX(), tap.y - _child->getPositionY()));

void GameLayer::ccTouchesEnded(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *event)
    CCSetIterator i;
    GameSprite * image;
    CCTouch *touch;

    //loop through all beginning touches
    for( i = pTouches->begin(); i != pTouches->end(); i++)
        touch = (CCTouch*) (*i);

        if (touch)
            for (int p = 0; p < _images->count(); p++)
                image = (GameSprite *) _images->objectAtIndex(p);
                if (image->getTouch() != NULL && image->getTouch() == touch)
                    //if touch ending belongs to this player, clear it

void GameLayer::update (float dt)
    //GameSprite * image;
    CCPoint objectNextPosition;
    CCPoint objectVector;
    for (int p = 0; p < _images->count(); p++)
        _child = (GameSprite *) _images->objectAtIndex(p);
        objectNextPosition = _child->getNextPosition();
        objectVector = _child->getVector();
    //move image to next position

Let me know if more is needed… Thanks!

What’s the problem?

My bad… Steps 3 and 4, I can load a sprite onto the screen, I can tap that sprite to create another sprite but I cannot move that second sprite around the screen with a touch gesture.

Hoping to get some help here, really stuck to get this working and I have to get this project finished…. Thanks!
