Chartboost listeners : "too much recursion" on Android


I’m integrating Chartboost with SDKBox on my Cocos2D-3.7 JS project on Android. I’m able to see the ads, however I have an issue with the listeners. Instead of calling them, the app logs “JS: < no filename=“filename” >:0:too much recursion”.

Here is how I set the listener (called only once of course):

  onChartboostDisplay: function() { cc.log("CB Displayed"); }

Then I show an ad:"Default");

Here are the logs from app initialization to the “recursion” issue (perhaps it will help). I also have the IAP plugin installed.

D/dalvikvm(32161): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.johnsmith.mygamedeluxe-1/ 0x43d91c70
D/houdini(32161): [32161] Warning error (ID:0x01400486).
D/houdini(32161): [32161] Loading library(version: RELEASE)... successfully.
D/dalvikvm(32161): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.johnsmith.mygamedeluxe-1/ 0x43d91c70
D/JniHelper(32161): JniHelper::setJavaVM(0x6d2b6c24), pthread_self() = 1073954880
D/main(32161): cocos_android_app_init
D/TextView(32161): Constructor - Got Res id for appearance for textColorPrimaryInverse
W/ResourceType(32161): Skipping entry 0x1060003 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
D/TextView(32161): Constructor - Got appearance for textColorPrimaryInverse
D/TextView(32161): Constructor -- Got mEditTextBackgroundColor
D/Cocos2dxActivity(32161): model=K011
D/Cocos2dxActivity(32161): product=WW_K011
D/Cocos2dxActivity(32161): isEmulator=false
I/ufoGralloc(32161): Hello, this is UFO GRALLOC/Intel Corporation
D/(32161): droid_create_context : config id = 10 conf->NativeVisualID=4
D/(32161): Pixel Format : GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565
I/(32161): Requested context : GLES 2.0
D/(32161): Pixel Format : GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): {
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.supports_vertex_array_object: true
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.supports_BGRA8888: false
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.supports_ATITC: false
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.supports_S3TC: true
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	cocos2d.x.version: cocos2d-x-3.7
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.supports_discard_framebuffer: true
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	cocos2d.x.compiled_with_profiler: false
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.supports_PVRTC: false
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	cocos2d.x.build_type: DEBUG
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics for BayTrail
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.supports_ETC1: true
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	cocos2d.x.compiled_with_gl_state_cache: true
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.version: OpenGL ES 3.0 - Build CL-260519-CI-15.33-24169
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.supports_NPOT: true
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.max_texture_units: 32
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.vendor: Intel
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): 	gl.max_texture_size: 4096
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): }
D/CocosPlayClient.cpp(32161): isEnabled = 0
D/CocosPlayClient.cpp(32161): isDemo = 0
D/CocosPlayClient.cpp(32161): isNotifyFileLoadedEnabled = 0
W/dalvikvm(32161): dvmFindClassByName rejecting 'org/cocos2dx/lib/Cocos2dxLocalStorage'
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): cocos2d: fullPathForFilename: No file found at script/jsb_boot.jsc. Possible missing file.
D/cocos2d(32161): android build version:19
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): JS: frame width    1280
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): JS: frame height    736
I/SDKBox(32161): class name : ----com/sdkbox/plugin/SDKBoxIAPGooglePlay----
E/sdkbox(32161): getFingerprintString(build): 0a000000a000
E/sdkbox(32161): getFingerprintString(androidid): 5373d01ece581278
E/sdkbox(32161): getFingerprintString(macaddress): 1c:b7:2c:23:49:cf
D/IabHelper(32161): Querying owned items, item type: inapp
D/IabHelper(32161): Package name: com.johnsmith.mygamedeluxe
D/IabHelper(32161): Calling getPurchases with continuation token: null
D/SDKBox IAPGooglePlay(32161): Requesting Products
D/IabHelper(32161): Owned items response: 0
D/IabHelper(32161): Continuation token: null
D/IabHelper(32161): Querying SKU details.
D/SDKBox IAPGooglePlay(32161): NetWork reachable : true
D/SDKBox IAPGooglePlay(32161): Please retry in a few seconds.
D/IabHelper(32161): Ending async operation: refresh inventory
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): JS: switch ad network
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): JS: [AdCenter] Init Chartboost
D/PluginFactory(32161): Java class name of plugin PluginChartboost is : com/sdkbox/plugin/PluginChartboost
I/SDKBox(32161): class name : ----com/sdkbox/plugin/PluginChartboost----
D/Chartboost(32161): Register Chartboost
D/IabHelper(32161): Querying owned items, item type: subs
D/IabHelper(32161): Package name: com.johnsmith.mygamedeluxe
D/IabHelper(32161): Calling getPurchases with continuation token: null
D/IabHelper(32161): Owned items response: 0
D/IabHelper(32161): Continuation token: null
D/IabHelper(32161): Querying SKU details.
D/IabHelper(32161): Ending async operation: 
D/SDKBox IAPGooglePlay(32161): Query inventory finished.
D/SDKBox IAPGooglePlay(32161): Query inventory was successful.
D/SDKBox IAPGooglePlay(32161): Got product details: []
D/SDKBox IAPGooglePlay(32161): GooglePlay Request result : 0 msg : Product request successful data :[]
I/dalvikvm(32161): Total arena pages for JIT: 11
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): create rendererRecreatedListener for GLProgramState
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): create rendererRecreatedListener for GLProgramState
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): create rendererRecreatedListener for GLProgramState
D/dalvikvm(32161): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1024K, 14% free 6999K/8064K, paused 3ms, total 3ms
I/dalvikvm-heap(32161): Grow heap (frag case) to 10.466MB for 3768336-byte allocation
D/dalvikvm(32161): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 70K, 10% free 10608K/11748K, paused 3ms, total 3ms
D/dalvikvm(32161): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 34K, 9% free 10706K/11748K, paused 2ms, total 2ms
I/dalvikvm-heap(32161): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.086MB for 3768336-byte allocation
D/dalvikvm(32161): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 72K, 8% free 14313K/15432K, paused 2ms, total 2ms
I/dalvikvm(32161): Total arena pages for JIT: 12
I/dalvikvm(32161): Total arena pages for JIT: 13
I/dalvikvm(32161): Total arena pages for JIT: 14
I/dalvikvm(32161): Total arena pages for JIT: 15
D/dalvikvm(32161): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 11705K, 14% free 7008K/8064K, paused 5ms, total 5ms
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): JS: [AdCenter] Show ad
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): JS: [AdCenter] Show CB: Default
D/dalvikvm(32161): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1486K, 21% free 7149K/8944K, paused 3ms, total 3ms
I/dalvikvm-heap(32161): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.676MB for 2785296-byte allocation
D/dalvikvm(32161): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 16% free 9863K/11668K, paused 3ms, total 3ms
D/dalvikvm(32161): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 14% free 11457K/13264K, paused 2ms, total 3ms
I/dalvikvm(32161): Total arena pages for JIT: 16
D/cocos2d-x debug info(32161): JS: <no filename="filename">:0:too much recursion

I’m on:

Cocos2D-X-3.7 (JS)
Android 4.4.2
NDK r10c

Has anyone a guess of what’s causing this? Perhaps this topic can help (although the stack quota is already 500000).

I’m having a very similar problem with my game on Android. I’m using the IAP plugin and the Vungle plugin, and I get a similar error in a callback after showing a Vungle ad. So this might be a SDKBOX bug and not a Chartboost bug. Everything is working great on iOS.

08-13 19:07:25.610: D/cocos2d-x debug info(15148): JS: <no filename="filename">:0:too much recursion

It happens when it should be calling the “onVungleAdViewed” listener function:

this.listener = {
  onVungleStarted: function() {
    return cc.log('onVungleStarted');
  onVungleFinished: function() {
    return cc.log('onVungleFinished');
  onVungleAdViewed: function(isComplete) {
    cc.log('onVungleAdViewed: ' + isComplete);

SDKBOX Versions:

        (installed) sdkbox-iap_v1.2.0.1
        (available) sdkbox-iap_v1.2.1.0_for_v2.tar.gz
        (installed) sdkbox-iap_v1.2.1.0.tar.gz
        (installed) sdkbox-iap_v1.2.1.1
        (installed) sdkbox-iap_v1.2.1.8
        (available) sdkbox-vungle_v1.2.1.0_for_v2.tar.gz
        (installed) sdkbox-vungle_v1.2.1.0.tar.gz
        (installed) sdkbox-vungle_v1.2.1.8

Any help would be greatly appreciated since this issue blocks our Android launch. (Users can watch incentivised ads, but get no reward– bummer!)


I’m looking into this issue right now.

I found the issue, working on the fix right now, should be able to release a fix next monday, I’ll send out nightly build for you guys.

This is working now, thanks a lot!

What was causing it? I actually ran into the same exception when trying to use the Cocos2dxJavascriptJavaBridge.evalString function on another project.

It’s caused by invoking spidermonkey from another thread.
spidermonkey like cocos2d-x don’t support multithreading that well.

You can try wrap code inside, to make sure the code execute in Cocos2d-x thread


See example here

Oh yes, indeed, it is a thread issue. I actually code this in Java, not C++, so here is what I finally did (if it can help someone someday):

Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView.getInstance().queueEvent(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

Also, the doc states that one can use runOnGLThread (this is not an Android API).

Thanks again Nite!


I’m experiencing the same issue but i think the context is different and I don’t know what I can do.

I have an android application with 2 activities A and B

A is a home app with menu, preference, etc and it’s in android native ui

B is a cocos2dx-js activity and this is launch from the activity A.

In the ui thread of B there is an android ui button that allow to switch back to A to change some preferences before coming back to B.

When the application switch between activities : A -> B -> A -> B, the cocos2d-x context seems the same but i’ve got the “too much recursion” issue.

Any ideas to solve this ?

I used Facebook plugin and got this error. Can you tell me where to put your snippet code? Thank you very much!

You have to put the snippet around the code that is executing your Javascript. But if it’s in a SDKBox plugin, you have to modify its source code. I don’t know if you can do that.

Hi, I got the same problem. How do you resolve this issue?

usually that means something wrong with the js binding code. What’s your cocos2d-js version?

I use Cocos2dx-Js version 3.14.1