CCTouch ending suddenly

Hi to all,

i’m making an 8-directional pad to move a sprite. I use ccTouchesMoved to track the movement on the pad. It works as expected except for one thing: After some time of dragging the touch without release, my ccTouchesEnded function is called without any reason (i’m still dragging the touch) and then the touch behaves unexpectedly.

Have someone else faced this issue??

My version of cocos2d-x is the 2.1.0 and the issue happens on a motorola atrix 2 with android 4.0.4, i haven’t had the chance to test it on another device.

Thank you so much for your help.

Are you sure you didnt touch the screen with a second contact?

Hi Adam,

Yes, im sure. I had the chance to test on another Android device and doesn’t happen. I tested on iOS too and it works fine, so i think it is a specific device issue. I’ll try to test with another motorola running Ice Cream Sandwich to verify this.