CCScrollView not identified

cocos2dx Version=2.2.3
Visual studio=2012
I am including scrollview as #include “GUI\CCScrollView\CCScrollView.h” but whenever I use ScrollView its not defined. Any help will be appreciated.
statement:CCScrollView *c=CCScrollView::create();
error:“identifier CCScrollView is undefined.”

Have you added

#include "cocos-ext.h"

@lazydevx thanks for replying but its not working i including them as

1-#include “cocos-ext.h”
2-#include “GUI\CCScrollView\CCScrollView.h”

but still CCScrollView is undefined

use USING_NS_CC_EXT in place of USING_NS_CC.

@lazydevx thanks alot this worked but i have to use both USING_NS_CC and USING_NS_CC_EXT b/c if we don’t used the first one CCMene etc becomes undefined.

dear waahm7,
Can you help me to solve this problem, i face this error in my project in visual 2012,
i see a sample from internet, but it not work:

//Scroll view
    CCSize winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
    CCLayer* scrollContainer = CCLayer::create(); // Container for the scroll view
    scrollContainer->setAnchorPoint(CCPointZero); // CCScrollView does this too when it’s set as the container.

// Content for the container
    CCSprite tallContentA = CCSprite::create(“NoButton.png”);
    tallContentA ->setPosition(ccp(winSize.width
0.5f, winSize.height0.9f));
    CCSprite tallContentB = CCSprite::create(“NoButtonPressed.png”);
    tallContentB ->setPosition(ccp(winSize.width
0.5f, winSize.height
    scrollContainer->addChild(tallContentA, 2);
    scrollContainer->addChild(tallContentB, 2);

float scrollContainerHeight = tallContentA->getContentSize().height + tallContentB->getContentSize().height;
    scrollContainer->setContentSize(CCSizeMake(winSize.width, scrollContainerHeight*1.05f));

// Set up scroll view
    CCScrollView * scrollView = CCScrollView::create(winSize, scrollContainer);

// ScrollView initializes at the (left, bottom). The container also gets positioned relative to that and goes Y-up.
    // Pre-set it to the value CCScrollView::minContainerOffset will return when it’s scrolled to the top
    // (note, this is a negative number, indicating the touch moving downwards, i.e. it’s pre-scrolled such that the top of the content is visible when we begin)

//scrollView->setContentOffset(ccp(0.f, (winSize.height-scrollContainerHeight1.05f)), false);

    // (StackOverflow Post Edit: This hack is not required.)
    // Hack: CCScrollView’s maxContainerOffset is (0, 0) and minContainerOffset is (difference between view and content size which is negative)
    // It’s designed to be (left, bottom) based and positive scrolling means showing stuff above the top of the screen.
    // Since we’re using it in terms of Window coordinates ((left, top) based), we scale the scroll view
    // and it’s container’s children by -1 and position the children differently
    // (eg. Y position winSize.height0.1f was changed to winSize.height0.9f)
    // We can’t just set the scroll view’s Y scale to -1 because CCNode::getScale asserts that X and Y scale must be the same.
