CCScrollView default vertical position


I am trying to create a menu with CCScrollView. The code that I am using is the following

` CCSize mysize = CCDirector :: sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
// Create a layer
CCLayer * scrollviewlayer = CCLayer::create();
// Then create three elves
CCSprite * sp1 = CCSprite :: create(“s1.png”);
// Here note, first wizard location mysize.height * 0.5
sp1->setPosition(ccp (mysize.width * 0.5, mysize.height * (1 * 2-1) * 0.5));
CCSprite * sp2 = CCSprite :: create(“s2.png”);
// Here note, the location of the second wizard mysize.height * 1.5
sp2->setPosition(ccp (mysize.width * 0.5, mysize.height * (2 * 2-1) * 0.5));
CCSprite * sp3 = CCSprite :: create(“s3.png”);
// Here note, the third wizard position mysize.height * 2.5
sp3->setPosition(ccp (mysize.width * 0.5, mysize.height * (3 * 2-1) * 0.5));
// The three elves are loaded into a container to go (scrollviewlayer)
// Set the size of the container
scrollviewlayer->setContentSize(CCSizeMake (mysize.width , mysize.height * 3));
// Create the scroll view
CCScrollView * myscroll = CCScrollView::create(CCSizeMake (mysize.width, mysize.height), scrollviewlayer);
// Here we close flexibility

// Here note that we are adding a scroll view, not layer


I would like that the CCScrollView start per default on the most of the top, which correspond to the third image. However, it always start at the first image.

Does anyone know how can I achieve this?
