ccripplesprite color


I am using CCRippleSprite from

and it works good, but I want to use the setColor function, and the color does not change of the texture.
I was trying to rewrite te draw() function inside the CCRippleSprite but I can’t get it to work, texture only get’s messed up.
Please can someone help me?

I first edited the initWithFile:

this->setShaderProgram(CCShaderCache::sharedShaderCache()->programForKey(kCCShader_PositionTextureColor)); //To add color i think?

And I tried to change the draw function
ccGLEnableVertexAttribs( kCCVertexAttribFlag_PosColorTex );

glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_Color, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, kQuadSize, ???Dont know what comes here???);

I was looking inside the CCSprite and there it was like
// color
diff = offsetof( ccV3F_C4B_T2F, colors);
glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_Color, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, kQuadSize, (void*)(offset + diff));
But I does not work. the texture gets messed up

Any help is really appreciated, I dont know what to do =/ I need to change the color of the texture so I can use TintTo =/
