CCRenderTexture on Android - poor quality

we have following problem on which I cannot find any solution…
When we used CCRenderTexture on IOS, it works perfectly - no graphics differences between prerendered texture and composed scene can be seen. But on Android devices, we have some weird problem… prerendered texture has poor quality. Edges are little blurred and colored gradients are dithered even if we explicitly set kTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888 color format.

Any solution? Thanks for help.

Jiri Formanek
Mingle Games

I am having a similar kind of problem with CCRenderTexture. i am developing a paint kind of application. i am using CCRenderTexture for adding a point wherever the user touches. its working fine in ios but its taking too much time in android devices.

Any solution ? Thanks for help.

we have following problem on which I cannot find any solution…
When we used CCRenderTexture on IOS, it works perfectly - no graphics differences between prerendered texture and composed scene can be seen. But on Android devices, we have some weird problem… prerendered texture has poor > quality. Edges are little blurred and colored gradients are dithered even if we explicitly set kTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888 color format.

Is your problem looks like this ?