CCNode subclass getContentSize( ) returns ZERO

I wrote this code to test it out. The problem is that, whenever I use getContentSize( ) for my MineButton object, it always returns Zero width and height. Why does it do that?

// Mine.H
#ifndef testGame_Mine_h
#define testGame_Mine_h

#include "cocos2d.h"

class Mine : public cocos2d::CCLayer {

    class MineButton : public cocos2d::CCNode {
        cocos2d::CCSprite * m_SpriteOne;
        cocos2d::CCSprite * m_SpriteTwo;
        virtual ~MineButton( ) { }
        void initialize( );

    static cocos2d::CCScene * scene( );
    virtual bool init( );



// Mine.CPP
#include "Mine.h"

using namespace cocos2d;

CCScene * Mine::scene() {
    CCScene * scene = CCScene::create();
    Mine * layer = Mine::create();
    scene -> addChild( layer );
    return scene;

bool Mine::init() {
    if ( ! CCLayer::init() ) return false;

    MineButton * btn = new MineButton( );
    btn -> initialize();
    btn -> setPosition( CCPointMake( 100, 200 ) );
    this -> addChild( btn );

    CCSize size = btn -> getContentSize();
    CCLOG( "%d , %d", size.width, size.height );

    return true;

void Mine::MineButton::initialize() {
    m_SpriteOne = CCSprite::create( "Icon.png" );
    m_SpriteOne -> setPosition( CCPointMake( this -> getPosition().x + ( m_SpriteOne -> getContentSize( ).width * 0.5 ), this -> getPosition().y + ( m_SpriteOne -> getContentSize().height * 0.5 ) ) );
    this -> addChild( m_SpriteOne );

    m_SpriteTwo = CCSprite::create( "Icon.png" );
    m_SpriteTwo -> setPosition( CCPointMake( m_SpriteOne -> getPosition().x + ( m_SpriteTwo -> getContentSize().width ) , m_SpriteOne -> getPosition().y ) );
    this -> addChild( m_SpriteTwo );

    this -> autorelease();

I encountered a similar problem in the class CCRenderTexture. I had to set the size of a force SetContentSize (). Apparently, the derived classes need to override the internal parameter is responsible for the size at initialization, or other manipulation of the object class.

But what if I have my sprites NOT aligned properly? For example:

|  +     X        +  |
|                    |
|                 X  |
|  X                 |
|  +        X     +  |
|                    |
|                    |

The X’s are my sprites and the + are the corners of the current Node’s content. I can’t simply add the four sprite’s width and height because that would obviously return the wrong result.

I do not know. Can be assumed that this method can be used for nodes with subsidiaries attachments?