CCMoveTo dont move the right position the CCSprite in cocos2d-x-2.1.5

i have strange behavior when using CCMoveTo to move Sprite A to position of Sprite B
Sprite A and B are children of Sprite C which is child of Sprite D
all anchorpoint’s are (0,0)
what i have in code :

CCPoint BOriginalPos = B->getPosition();  //this is the sprite where i want to move sprite A to  , which is : x160.000000 ,y:81.000000
CCMoveTo* AMoveToB = CCMoveTo::create(0.3f,BOriginalPos );
CCSequence* AMovesToBSequence = CCSequence::create(AMoveToB , NULL);

but when i log print the A position im getting x187.925095 ,y:81.000000
and i expect it to be x160.000000 ,y:81.000000 as B
its looks like the animation action moves A in the world space X and Y and not to the Node space that is the position that is relative to to Sprite C
but how can i fix this ?
what am i doing wrong here ?

I answering my self
but when you trigger sprite movement from ccTouchesMoved function as i found out .
i need to block the ccTouchesMoved method until the sprite animation is done .