ccMoveTo cannot move sprites with a pixels location

Hi all here

Im now writing a small game with cocos2d-x for iOS and android in one project use same code.
because in Android it can not use location of Point to set the sprite’s position, so i all use locations in Pixels in my code.
but now i find a problem,
in iOS i convert pixels to point myself, to move the sprite to the location in pixels , but in Android I need use the direct locations with pixels.

i cannot find a way both work in android and iOS, please help me.

now i write like this to make it work in both platform

itemSprite[firstI][firstJ]->runAction(CCMoveTo::actionWithDuration(0.5f,ccp(itemPosArray[secendI][secendJ].x/2,itemPosArray[secendI][secendJ].y/2 )));
itemSprite[secendI][secendJ]->runAction(CCMoveTo::actionWithDuration(0.5f,ccp(itemPosArray[firstI][firstJ].x/2,itemPosArray[firstI][firstJ].y/2 ) ));

it can work well but i want to know if there is any way to make it better.
i think i will met many problems with pixels and point in this project in future