CCMenuItemSprite has removed from parent and cleaned and is not visible, but still can be touched!

Dear guys:
I feel very strange about my CCMenuItemSprite, I add many CCMenuItemSprite to my game,
most of them work fine, but now when I added a CCMenuItemSprite to a layer, and I’m sure this layer has been removed and cleaned from parent, and my menu is invisible,but it’s very strange! when I touch specific point on my screen, it triggers my menu event,
Does any body also has this problem?

My code is as the following:
menu added to background, and background added to a layer, on close button click,I remove and clean layer from parent.
CCSprite * fight = CCSprite::create(); fight->initWithSpriteFrameName("btn_small_fight.png"); CCSprite * fightClicked = CCSprite::create(); fightClicked->initWithSpriteFrameName("btn_small_fightclicked.png"); CCSprite * fightDisabled = CCSprite::create(); fightDisabled->initWithSpriteFrameName("btn_small_fightdisabled.png"); fightMenuItem = CCMenuItemSprite::create(fight,fightClicked,fightDisabled,this,menu_selector(WuXiaSpecialItem::onFightClick)); CCMenu* fightMenu = CCMenu::create(fightMenuItem,NULL); fightMenu->setPosition(CCPoint(450.0/scaleFactor,27.0/scaleFactor)); background->addChild(fightMenu);
and here is my code for firing onFightClick event.

CCSize visibleSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
float scaleFactor = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getContentScaleFactor();

CCSprite* msgText = CCSprite::create();

msg = WuXiaMsgBox::create();
// 加入訊息
CCLabelTTF* costTTF = CCLabelTTF::create(energy.c_str(),"Marker Felt",30.0/800*visibleSize.width);



my menu is invisible,but it’s very strange! when I touch specific point on my screen, it triggers my menu event,

That sounds a lot like the menu is still around and connected to the touch dispatcher.

Could it be retained somewhere and not releasing when you remove it’s parent layer?

As a reference, my game is coded in 2.2 and creates/destroys menus by the thousands, and I only have this bug when I don’t release and things stick around in the Touch.

Thank you,Corytrese! I think the problem is just like what you said above, I did removeallchildren and now it’s working fine.

by the way, and before, I only use the function removeFromParentandClean(true), but it seems not to work very well. I think I missunderstand something of removeFromParentandClean.