CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem. I make it. but that has problem.

CCScorllLayerButton is so cool by leo.

so I make a new class. but that has a problem.

it is for CCMenuItemSprite, but it doesn’t work when I add child to CCMenu.

doesn’t work means “parent Node was not move when I clicked and drag button.”


if you just addchild to this ( like Layer ), it was work.

but I want to use CCMenu’s alignVertically fuction also.

is it possible?

// by Korean
버튼을 끌면, 스크롤되는 버튼을 만들고 있습니다.
그런데 CCMenu에 addChild를 하면 버튼이 제 기능을 하지 못합니다.
왜 그럴까요? 이것을 고칠 수 있을까요?

/////////////////////////////////////////// using example ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CCsize btn_size = CCSize ( 100, 20 );
CCProgress* btn_nor = CCProgress::progressWithFile (sprite_1.png, size_btn ); 
CCProgress* btn_sel = CCProgress::progressWithFile ( sprite_2.png, size_btn );
CCProgress* btn_dis = CCProgress::progressWithFile ( sprite_3.png, size_btn );

            CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem* btn = CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::buttonFromNormalSprite ( btn_nor, btn_sel, btn_dis, this, menu_selector ( HBLayerPopupScrollPage::onTouch ) );
   //bla bla bla......
this->addChild ( btn );

class CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem : public CCMenuItemSprite, CCTargetedTouchDelegate
    protected :

         CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem ( KDvoid );
        ~CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem ( KDvoid );

     private :

         KDbool initFromNormalSprite ( CCNode* normal, CCNode* selected, CCNode* disabled, SelectorProtocol* target, SEL_MenuHandler selector );

         virtual KDvoid onEnter ( KDvoid );
         virtual KDvoid onExit  ( KDvoid );

         CCRect rect( KDvoid );
         KDbool containsTouchLocation ( CCTouch* touch );

         virtual KDbool ccTouchBegan ( CCTouch* pTouch, CCEvent* pEvent );
         virtual KDvoid ccTouchMoved ( CCTouch* pTouch, CCEvent* pEvent );
         virtual KDvoid ccTouchEnded ( CCTouch* pTouch, CCEvent* pEvent );

         SelectorProtocol* m_target;
         SEL_MenuHandler   m_selector;
         KDbool            m_touched;
         CCPoint           m_BeginPos;
         CCPoint           m_CurPos;

     public :

         static CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem* buttonFromNormalSprite ( CCNode* normal, CCNode* selected, CCNode* disabled, SelectorProtocol* target, SEL_MenuHandler selector );

CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem ( KDvoid )
CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::~CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem ( KDvoid )

KDbool CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::initFromNormalSprite ( CCNode* normal, CCNode* selected, CCNode* disabled, SelectorProtocol* target, SEL_MenuHandler selector )
    KDbool init = CCMenuItemSprite::initFromNormalSprite ( normal, selected, disabled, target, selector );

    if ( !init )
        return KD_FALSE;

    this->m_target   = target;
    this->m_selector = selector;
    this->m_touched  = KD_FALSE;

    return KD_TRUE;

KDvoid CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::onEnter ( KDvoid )
    CCTouchDispatcher::sharedDispatcher ( )->addTargetedDelegate ( this, 0, false );
    CCMenuItemSprite::onEnter ( );

KDvoid CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::onExit ( KDvoid )
    CCTouchDispatcher::sharedDispatcher ( )->removeDelegate ( this );
    CCMenuItemSprite::onExit ( );

CCRect CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::rect ( KDvoid )
    CCSize s = this->getNormalImage ( ) ->getContentSize ( );
    return CCRectMake ( / 2, / 2,, );

KDbool CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::containsTouchLocation ( CCTouch* touch )
    return CCRect::CCRectContainsPoint ( rect ( ), this->convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR ( touch ) );

KDbool CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::ccTouchBegan ( CCTouch* pTouch, CCEvent* pEvent)
    if ( containsTouchLocation ( pTouch ) )
        m_touched = KD_TRUE;
        m_BeginPos = pTouch->locationInView ( pTouch->view ( ) );
        return KD_TRUE;
    return KD_FALSE;

KDvoid CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::ccTouchMoved ( CCTouch* pTouch, CCEvent* pEvent )
    CCPoint m_CurPos = pTouch->locationInView ( pTouch->view ( ) );

    if ( ccpDistance ( m_BeginPos, m_CurPos ) > TAP_MAX_DRAG )
        m_touched = KD_FALSE;

    if ( !CCPoint::CCPointEqualToPoint ( m_BeginPos, m_CurPos ) )
        m_touched = KD_FALSE;

       KDfloat diffPosY = m_CurPos.y - m_BeginPos.y;

// that is so funny, but it was work if you want controll any parent node. haha...
       CCPoint curPos = this->getParent ( )->getParent ( )->getParent ( )->getParent ( )->getPosition ( );
       CCPoint nextPos = ccp ( curPos.x, curPos.y + diffPosY );

       this->getParent ( )->getParent ( )->getParent ( )->getParent ( )->setPosition ( nextPos );
       m_BeginPos = m_CurPos;

KDvoid CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::ccTouchEnded ( CCTouch* pTouch, CCEvent* pEvent )
    if ( m_touched )
        if ( m_target != KD_NULL && m_selector != KD_NULL )
            ( m_target->*m_selector ) ( this );
    else if ( m_touched == KD_FALSE )

CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem* CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem::buttonFromNormalSprite ( CCNode* normal, CCNode* selected, CCNode* disabled, SelectorProtocol* target, SEL_MenuHandler selector )
    CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem *pRet = new CCLayerPopupScrollByButtonMenuItem ( );

    if ( pRet && pRet->initFromNormalSprite ( normal, selected, disabled, target, selector ) )
        pRet->autorelease ( );
        return pRet;

    CC_SAFE_DELETE ( pRet )

    return KD_NULL;


혹시 이 소스를 참조 하셨나요?

CCScrollLayerButton만으로는 스크롤링이 불가능합니다.

CCSCrollLayer도 같이 사용해주어야합니다.

CCScrollLayer를 생성해주고, 생성할때 필요한 Layer 수만큼 MutableArray에 Layer를 넣어줍니다.

그리고 각각의 Layer에 CCScrollLayerButton을 생성해주고 addchild해주면 메뉴 스크롤이 가능합니다.

Oh, I think you should use English.