CCLayer Touch Event

Hi guys, I’m starting using cocos2d-x right now (and starting c++ as well), so, I created a Class and I add the CCLayer characteristics on that MyClass : CCLayer, but the problem is, when I try to use the touch events as ccTouchesEvent(CCSet* touches,CCEvent* event), the touches~~>begin; or touches~~>anyObject(); just don’t answer and I set
this->setTouchEnabled(true); before that, do you have any clue guys? really thank you for any help :smiley:

Just for fun, can you provide a bit of sample code? Trying to parse your statement right now in the night made my head hurt :stuck_out_tongue:

Monocle Society wrote:

Just for fun, can you provide a bit of sample code? Trying to parse your statement right now in the night made my head hurt :P
bool Menu::init
if ) )
return false;
playBtn = CCMenuItemImage::create(“CloseNormal.png”, “CloseSelected.png”);
MenuBox = CCMenu::create();
MenuBox~~>setPosition(0, 0);
playBtn~~>setPosition(100, CCDirector::sharedDirector()>getWinSize.height/2);
//this method is not working at all
return true;
SceneClass::Scenes Menu::update
return SceneClass::MainMenu;

void Menu::ccTouchesEnded
CCSetIterator it = pTouch~~>begin();
CCTouch* touch = (CCTouch*)(*it);

CCPoint tPosition = touch->getLocation();
tPosition = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL( tPosition );


  1. For multi-touch to work, you need to enable it first on iOS (Android automatically enables it). Open up and right below the creation of the EGLView object, add the line **[ **glView setMultipleTouchEnabled: YES ];*

  2. On your CCLayer inherited class, you don’t schedule the ccTouchesEvent protocols. Youoverride them. Declare them as**virtual* in your header file. Also, you might want to se CCLayer as public. Something like this:

    class Menu : public cocos2d::CCLayer {
    static cocos2d::CCScene * scene();
    virtual bool init();
    CREATE_FUNC( Menu );

    // Touch Handlers
    virtual void ccTouchesBegan( CCSet * touches, CCEvent * event );  // When touches are started.
    virtual void ccTouchesMoved( CCSet * touches, CCEvent * event );  // When touches are moved
    virtual void ccTouchesEnded( CCSet * touches, CCEvent * event );  // When touches are ended.


  3. You need to register the layer to the CCTouchDispatcher, not schedule the touches,

    bool Menu::init() {
    if ( !CCLayer::init() ) return false;

    // Do stuff here
    // Register the layer to touch dispatcher
    CCDirector::sharedDirector() -> getTouchDispatcher() -> addStandardDelegate( this, 0 );


After that it should work now, provided that you define the touch handlers on the header file. This should work on cocos2d-x 2.0.4 on both iOS and Android.

thank you, it really worked :D, I still learning how to use a Scene Manager :D, but thank you anyways, it was really helpful : )