CCLabelTTF: wrong string alignment when using utf-8 encoded text

When using CCLabelTTF with utf-8 encoded string text, width calculation appears to be wrong.
All strings in the picture should have same x position.

CCLabelTTF* item = CCLabelTTF::labelWithString(utf8_convert(L"Привет привет привет").c_str(), DEFAULT_FONT, 20);
item->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0, 0.5));
item->setPosition(ccp(300, 500));
CCLabelTTF*item2 = CCLabelTTF::labelWithString(utf8_convert(L"|").c_str(), DEFAULT_FONT, 20);
item2->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0, 0.5));
item2->setPosition(ccp(300, 470));

In CCImage_win32.cpp BitmapDC::drawText size of text is calculated as SIZE newSize = sizeWithText(pszText, nLen, dwFmt,; from char* representation with DrawTextA.
Then text is converted to wchar_t* buffer and drawn with DrawTextW.

I think it should be

SIZE sizeWithText(const wchar_t * pszText, int nLen, DWORD dwFmt, LONG nWidthLimit)
   // measure text size
   //! DrawTextA(m_hDC, pszText, nLen, &rc, dwCalcFmt);
   DrawTextW(m_hDC, pszText, nLen, &rc, dwCalcFmt);


int drawText(const char * pszText, SIZE& tSize, CCImage::ETextAlign eAlign)
        switch (dwHoriFlag)
        int nLen = strlen(pszText);
        //! wchar_t buffer moved here
        // utf-8 to utf-16
        int nBufLen  = nLen + 1;
        pwszBuffer = new wchar_t[nBufLen];
        CC_BREAK_IF(! pwszBuffer);
        nLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pszText, nLen, pwszBuffer, nBufLen);
        //! SIZE newSize = sizeWithText(pszText, nLen, dwFmt,;
        SIZE newSize = sizeWithText(pwszBuffer, nLen, dwFmt,;
        //! wchar_t buffer moved up
        // draw text
        //! nRet = DrawTextA(m_hDC, pszText, nLen, &rcText, dwFmt);
        nRet = DrawTextW(m_hDC, pwszBuffer, nLen, &rcText, dwFmt);


testfailed.png (75.9 KB)

Thanks for your feedback. Issue ( created for it.

Hi, this issue is fixed in the latest cocos2d-x source codes on github. :slight_smile: