CCLabelTTF read visible string?

Hello I’m using CCLabelTTF with specified size like this:

CCLabelTTF* pText = CCLabelTTF::create(text.c_str(), FONT_NAME_TEXT, FONT_SIZE_TEXT, CCSizeMake(650, 700), kCCTextAlignmentLeft);

but given text is too long and only part of text is visible. I need to get some information about label(Visible text, length of visible text or something like that). Is there any way to do it?


Don’t know, is there a simple way to get visible length of text. But you can set auto-wrapping to text in LabelTTF, just set height to 0. Refer to

Or, if you really want to know visible length… Try to get width of each character at current fontSize and kerning between each two characters - with that information you can calculate the length.