CCEditBox addChild on second node in CocosBuilder will lose light bar (cursor).

I encountered a problem is If I add CCEditBox on second node created from CocosBuilder, It will lose light bar and will not show string I am typing immediately.
Can somebody help to solve this?


螢幕快照 2013-09-24 下午5.07.25.png (114.9 KB)

未命名-1.png (802.6 KB)

Could you add a new test to reproduce this issue in ExtensionTest/CocosBuilderTest in master branch?
I will be glad to find out what the problem is.

Hi James Chen
That’s no problem on master version but not work on 3.0 develop version when I checkout to master and test it.


But the first picture you uploaded also contains Light Bar —> cursor.

The cursor is added on first node that use


and is sample from TestJavascript\ExtensionTest\EditBoxTest\EditBoxTest.js.
So there’s no problem.

Sorry I have to update the problem.
I discovered thers’s problem on master branch as well.

A.ccbi include B.ccbi by CocosBuilder,
and CCEditBox is locate on B.ccbi second node,
cursor does not work when running A.ccbi.