CCControlButton lose touch when rotate

I am working on CocosBuilder with Javascript on cocos2d-html5.

I created a scene and added a CCControlButton and rotate this button to 90 degree,
it will not get selector on Js controller(.js).
It seems lose touch ability on rotate component.

But it works on cocos2d-x(Android/IOS)
Can someone fix it?

螢幕快照 2013-11-21 下午4.53.48.png (125.6 KB)

Hi Simon,

Could you please tell me what version is the engine you’re using ?

Hi Simon,

I have been tested on our test case, it works correctly.


Thanks for feedback.

I am using cocos2d-html5 v2.1.5 and created controlButton on cocosBuilder.
Is that CocosBuilder’s problem?

This bug had been fixed in v2.2.
I think you should update to the latest of Cocos2d-html5, or look at this pull request:


Thanks for your help! Dingping.

Although 2.2 has fixed this bug,
it means I have to change version of cocos2d-x to 2.2.
This version has another bug in Particle System and JSB,
If I change to that version, BTW have to change to new method on cocos2d-x 2.2,
that’s a big disaster.

I’ll fix this problem refer this pull,
Thanks again!

Encounter one bug—>change to new version for this bux—>Encounter new bug in new version—>Can’t find solution in Google because it’s the newest —>Give up and back forward to Old cocos2dx version then fix bug by myself.
This is experience of my cocos2d-x coding road in a year.

Good luck to you, Simon. :smiley: