CCClippingNode mask bug in IOS project !!!

CCClippingNode doesn’t work when I switched “Autorotate” to NO as following: by cocos2d-x templetes)

-(BOOL) shouldAutorotate {

return NO;


Is there anyone know why this function impact CCClippingNode?
If I changed above as “return YES” it can work well, that’s so weird.

I know what’s wrong.


`bool CCClippingNode::init(CCNode *pStencil)
m_pStencil = pStencil;

m_fAlphaThreshold = 1;
m_bInverted = false;
// get (only once) the number of bits of the stencil buffer
static bool once = true;
if (once)
    glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_BITS, &g_sStencilBits);
    if (g_sStencilBits <= 0)
        CCLOG("Stencil buffer is not enabled.");
    once = false;

return true;


in ios 5.0
glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_BITS, &g_sStencilBits);
g_sStencilBits is get 0
but if I set it’s value 8,it’s OK,WHY?