CCCallFunc method not being ran after action sequence

I have a class which owns a CCSprite object called mSprite. I gave it a series of actions like so:

void Ball::dropBall( ) {
   isDropping = true;

   ccBezierConfig bezierConfig = ccBezierConfig( );
   bezierConfig.endPosition = getDropPoint( ); // returns a CCPoint object
   bezierConfig.controlPoint_1 = getControlPointA( ); // CCPoint
   bezierConfig.controlPoint_2 = getControlPointA( ); // CCPoint

   CCBezierTo * bezierAction = CCBezierTo::create( 1.0f, bezierConfig );
   CCEaseBounceOut * bounceAction = CCEaseBounceOut::create( bezierAction );
   CCCallFunc * actionEndCall = CCCallFunc::create( mSprite, callfunc_selector( Ball::dropEnd ) );

   mSprite -> runAction( CCSequence::create( bounceAction, actionEndCall, NULL );

And this is the Ball::dropEnd( CCNode ) function

void Ball::dropEnd( CCNode * pSender ) {
   isDropping = false;
   cout << "isDropping? " << isDropping << endl;

It runs good. The string “i@sDropping?@ 0” is shown. But the problem is, if I use isDropping on a check after the action, it returns true, and not false. The new value is not saved when the action ends.

I am thinking the problem lies in the line

CCCallFunc * actionEndCall = CCCallFunc::create( mSprite, callfunc_selector( Ball::dropEnd ) );

since I’m passing a CCSprite and not a CCLayer. Any thoughts?