CCBReader extension not found in Cocos2d-x-3.0beta2

Hello !

I’m using SpriteBuilder to generate Scenes and more stuff. I realized that in the last beta of cocos2d-x 3, the extension CCBReader has disappeared, but in the last stable version cocos2d-x 2, the extension was inside of the folder extensions.

What I have to do, to load my ccb files in cocos2d-x version 3?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

So much has changed in beta2. when i use the cocostudio file,just as fallow
auto layout = cocostudio::GUIReader::getInstance()->widgetFromJsonFile("first_1\\first_1.ExportJson");
More important there isn’t the “CCLayer” class. Some one said any “Node” can be the treat as the “CCLayer”, it’s amazing .
if there exist any error ,you can include the head file.