ccbreader animationManager.getSequences() crush

When I call function animationManager.getSequences() in jsbinding, then game is crush, and I flow the source code ,found CCBSequence object has no convert role from c++ to jsval, How to sole this problem, get CBBSequence to extends TypeInfo or add a manual conversion ? Can somebody to help me!

Could you provide more information about the crash? A demo to reproduce it will be better.

James Chen wrote:

Could you provide more information about the crash? A demo to reproduce it will be better.

Just call the function animationManager.getSequences() in jsbinding,then game will crush. version is 2.1.4.

James Chen wrote:

Could you provide more information about the crash? A demo to reproduce it will be better.

the information in cocos2d-x JSB 2.1.4 is

Cocos2d: Assert failed: the type isn’t suppored.
Assertion failed: (false), function ccarray_to_jsval, file /Users/pinguo/Documents/项目2/客户端/Goblin/Goblin/libs/javascript/bindings/ScriptingCore.cpp, line 1383

James Chen wrote:

Could you provide more information about the crash? A demo to reproduce it will be better.

Do I still need to provide more information?

Thanks. I’ll check it today and give you feedback.

garfield ho wrote:

James Chen wrote:
> Could you provide more information about the crash? A demo to reproduce it will be better.
Do I still need to provide more information?

CCBSequence was not exposed to JS.
In `ccarray_to_jsval`, it doesn’t know how to change it to jsval, so it triggered an assert.

CCAssert(false, "the type isn't suppored.");

James Chen wrote:

CCBSequence was not exposed to JS.
In `ccarray_to_jsval`, it doesn’t know how to change it to jsval, so it triggered an assert.

Is there any way to instead of it?

It’s not easy to bind this method since getSequences is an array and its elements are CCBSequence.
Probably we need to bind CCBSequence as well.
In CCBSequence, there is CCBSequenceProperty
In CCBSequenceProperty, there is *Array(keyFrames)*.
Consequently, it’s difficult to bind getSequence fully.