Cc.TextFieldTTF positioning issue


I am trying to use the Cocos2d-html5-v2.0/tests/src/tests/TextInputTest/TextInputextfietTest.js. When I change the textfield ttf position functionality is not working. I just want to place the input textfield in different place. I have requirement of using more than one input textfield in one layer. Can anyone please help me by letting me know why its not working and give sample code to use multiple input text fields.

Thanks in advance.



One more issue in addition to it, related to TextField. I used foloowing piece of code to create TextFieldTTF.

var textField = cc.TextFieldTTF.create(“”, cc.size(100,50), cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT,“Arial”, 32);

am getting following error in CCLabelTTF.js (line 314) when its trying to draw the string

SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified
[Break On This Error]

…string, -this.*contentSize.width * this.*anchorPoint.x, this._contentSize.height…

Waiting for response for both the issues. Its urgent.


I have the same issues. Does anyone can help us ?