Cc.DrawNode:drawPolygon no fill color on some Android devices

Hi All,

The code I used is very simple. It works on iOS and some Android devices.

          local rectangle = {
          cc.p(x + borderSize, y + borderSize),
          cc.p(x + width - borderSize, y + borderSize),
          cc.p(x + width - borderSize, y + height - borderSize),
          cc.p(x + borderSize, y + height - borderSize)
      container:drawPolygon(rectangle, table.getn(rectangle), cc.c4f(1,0,0, 1), borderSize, cc.c4f(1,1,1, 1))

These are the devices that don’t work:

Samsung Galaxy S5
Xiaomi HM 2LTE-SA

No matter what I change for the fill color, it seems like the fill color is never used and always clear (transparent). The border color works fine when I change it to other colors.


I’m using cocos v3.5, but I don’t see any specific changes that might have fixed this.

i have the exact same problem. dont know whats causing this, anyone got an idea?