Canvas Anchor Point

Is there a way to change Canvas anchor point from 0.5 0.5 to 0, 0?

I don’t see how. It seems locked

Is this causing a problem for you? For me it was just a small adjustment in my thinking.

actually whole resize process is problematic for me. I dont know if widgets are not working properly or Im doing something wrong, but when I resize the browser widgets dont work (AlignOnce is disabled) and my Canvas is cutting its content from both left and right because of anchor, and I need to align content from left so I need anchor 0 , 0. ( I have fit height enabled)

what is the position of your objects set at?

I have a 1920x1080 bg so I have to put it x = -960 to align it on left, but after resize the behaviour I have is not ok for me, it cuts from both sides, and I want only from right, so it was aligned on left (like x = 0)

Is it possible to unlock the anchor of Canvas and set manually?

No. But you can listen for a window resize and set its position again. It’s a pretty common practice.

put everything under a parent node and change its anchors

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Actually I’m doing it now (put everything in a parent node which has anchor 0, 0 and I update on resize only that node), just though maybe there is a better solution. I work on a plaformer game, so my coordiante system starts from the left of the screen. Anyway thanks for the responses! And I have one question still unanswered in other topic. Maybe you can help me with it. My widgets doesnt handle screen resize (alignOnce disabled). What can be the reason of such a behaviour?

Personally I see nothing wrong with this solution, I always leave the canvas node “untouched” and work on other parent nodes, the only thing I change in canvas is resolution.

I don’t know about widgets, I’ll give them a try now

I think widgets respond to the parents widget so you would need to have all widgets through the hierarchy set to alignOnce disabled.

Thanks, I forgot to add widget to parent node. It fixed the problem.