Can't find Headers and code completition in Xcode 4.6 in mac 10.8.3

i try to develop in c++ with cocos2dx latest version , but it seams that the xcode doesn’t find the cocos2dx headers and and there for doesn’t get me with the code completition
i followed the link from stack over flow
but with no luck ,
when i use the wizerd default project of cocos2dx it does compile and show me the cocos2dx start screen in the iOS emulator
the problem is when i start to change the code.

answer to my self , i hate it when i need to dig into framework source files ( well it take me 2 min)

/** CCColorLayer
It is the same as CCLayerColor.

@deprecated Use CCLayerColor instead. This class will be removed in v1.0.1

need to use :CCLayerColor