Can't compile a BlackBerry Playbook release build


The debug release works fine, but when I try to build the release to publish, I get these errors.

Can anybody help? thanks

It’s looking for a different directory for your assets than Debug version. You can change “asset-path” and use “Device-Debug” or, since you seem to be on a Mac, make a “ln -s” between directories (if the assets are the same for both release and debug, which I guess is the case)

I did it, and now I get many errors like this:

Description Resource Path Location Type
undefined reference to `CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::pauseBackgroundMusic()’ AppDelegate.cpp /TestCpp/Classes C/C++ Problem

Do you know exactly where do I need to define that reference? I’m new to momentix and I find it quite messy… thanks

I’be been able to compile it fighting with the multiple places where you can set references in a blackberry project in momentics… I’m not used to that IDE yet :stuck_out_tongue: thanks for your help