Can't change TTF with FileUtils::setSearchPaths

I placed different TTF files on different directory.


And I like to change TTF with FileUtils::setSearchPaths.
So, here is what I tried.

std::vector<std::string> paths;
auto labelA = Label::createWithTTF("ABCDEF", "font.ttf", 50.f);

std::vector<std::string> paths;
auto labelB = Label::createWithTTF("ABCDEF", "font.ttf", 50.f);

This seems not working.
labelB shows with path/fontA/font.ttf.

This is just simple example code.
What I’m trying to do is changing whole Text or Label on screen with another TTF.

How can I achieve this?

That is because the font is cached and so it doesn’t load the second font.ttf, it just uses the first one.

Can’t I clear the font cache by code?

You probably can, or load both fonts manually and use the one you want. I’m not in front of a computer right now so I can’t check, but I’ll take a look later, if you haven’t figured it out.

@mannewalis Thank you for your help.
I’ll wait for good news. :slight_smile:

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@mannewalis any news for this? :slight_smile:

Yes, sorry for the late reply, the whole Christmas thing happened :smiley:

So caching is the problem, but there is a simple fix. Instead of setting the search path to the actual font folder, set it one higher, like this…

std::vector<std::string> path;

Now create the labels like this…

auto labelA = Label::createWithTTF("ABCDEF", "fontA/font.ttf", 50.f);
auto labelB = Label::createWithTTF("ABCDEF", "fontB/font.ttf", 50.f);


Thanks for reply.

I knew your codes works.
But the problem is using cocostudio json files.

cocostudio is great for compositing UI, so I love to use it.
and the exported json files have static font paths by cocostudio, like “fontPath/font.ttf”.
So, I want to set search path so that using another ttf instead of the ttf which I set in cocostudio.